The Sussex Gymnastics Committee Meeting was held on Wednesday 5th February 20:30 at The Jack & Jill Inn, Clayton, BN6 9PD.
Emily Knight
Beth Burchett
Richard Keasley
Sally-Anne Warner
Sarah Dyson-Bottle
Nikki Huggins
Dawn Hyland
Mike Gevaux
Keith Walter
Kim Kennedy
Lisa Jestico
Heather Sampford
Apologies for Absence
Emma Ballancore
Julie Belchamber
Kim Mirceta-Nash
Charlotte Wynne-Pennels
Mark Poore
1. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes from the last meeting were reviewed - no one had any questions regarding these.
2. Chair's Report
No report given so was unable to be discussed.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Continuous support with regards to training and development - leading to an increase in the Sussex funds.
Increased funding for high performance - gymnasts and families have been very grateful regarding this.
Proposal at next AGM with regards to savings?
Nothing to report for this discipline.
Men's Artistic
Women's Artistic
5. Welfare Report
Report attachedDawn been attending competitions.
Welfare met with Active Sussex welfare before Xmas - they'd like to have an online meeting on a date to introduce themselves.
Willing to come to a face to face meeting - with anyone who wants to go, club welfare etc - on conflict resolution.
Several clubs struggling with parents and their dominance and power - important to have the above meeting ^ - has whyte review and covid bought this on? Coaches are worried things will go against them.
More parents are staying to watch children - some clubs encourage gymnasts parents to stay until 8.
No charge for presentation - need budget and venue and to provide teas and coffee etc - £5/£10 - contribution to venue.
Potentially 2 to cover both ends of the county - one daytime, one evening - welfare to make a proposal and send round after meeting,
Beth to find out evening that’s free at John Selden and let us know.
Welfare to pick a date for online meeting and let us know. Either a Tues, Wed or Thurs.
6. Any other business
6.1 Meetings
The most preferred time for a meeting was 10am, so we are looking into venues - potentially coffee shops? Secretary (Emily) to investigate venues and put them out to the committee to determine best.
AGM to remain in evening - Jack and Jill - Function room - May 7th 20:30.
2025/2026 Dates
16th July
15th October
4th February
6th May - AGM 2026
6.2 Club Affiliation
Annual club renewal 2025 - everyone agreed that current prices were fair and they should remain the same for this year.
6.3 Welfare Funding
Welfare funding proposal - agreement that anything welfare do in regards to courses/conferences should be funded for.
SE said welfare officers weren’t appointed by region - and they're not in control, BG are - other regions pay all funding for welfare officers. BG only pays for things they send welfare out to.
If welfare are to attend, specifically for Sussex - we will fund their expenses - send to chair/treasurer/secretary to be accepted.
Secretary to write letter - short letter - asking about funding - send round committee to check. Sally-Anne (Sussex rep) is to bring it up at next SE board meeting.
6.4 Funding for Judges
It was asked whether National judges can have funding for their course revalidation as well as Brevet? It has been found out that Brevet judges are having £1k of the £1.2k funded by the region. SE need to be clear if they are offering funding or not.
Funding for judging - only really currently down for course costs.
National judges to potentially put forward something for funding - can come through independently and then the current funding through club.
Lisa to put proposal together regarding individuals claiming funding for judging etc by AGM.
6.5 South East AGM
Potentially more Sussex clubs to go to SE AGM - as clubs unaware of the AGM and South-East awards evening.
SE AGM - 25th September 8:30pm - secretary to send this out to clubs.
6.6 Tumble ICC Date
Nikki queried whether there could be a new date for ICC - could it potentially be earlier in the year?.
It was up to the discipline reps and the involved other counties. Going to put the question to Kent (other county) - agreed by all committee present at the meeting. They were made aware that the cost needs to be covered too if the competition is to run separately to trampolining and DMT.
6.7 High Performance Funding
HPF funding has been taken up well with 12 TeamGym, 3/4 Men’s, 2 Women’s and 1 Trampolinist coming forward to claim this funding.
Secretary to update website to say funding for 2025 HPF is open/available.
On website, it says the funding runs until end of March but isn’t agreed until AGM - secretary to make sure it says up until day of AGM not March.
Meeting ended at 21:37
The next meeting will be the AGM and will take place on Wednesday 7th May at the Jack and Jill Inn, Hassocks at 20:30.