Sussex Tumble Report
Happy New Year!!
Sussex Champs Questionnaire – We sent out a questionnaire after last years comp to get feedback on the change of runs and levels. From this we will be taking forward what clubs have said and we will continue to include all levels. With regards to the tumble runs, we will be confirming in the next few weeks as to which runs we will be using.
ICC qualifier – this will be held at Hollington Gym, with the date looking to be the beginning of July. Date will be confirmed in the next few weeks. The tumble runs will be those sent out via the South East Region last year, copies of these runs will be forwarded to clubs with the entry.
Sussex Champs – again this will be held at Hollington Gym and will be for all levels from club 1 to adult. Looking at possible date being beginning of October, but this will be confirmed in the next few weeks. As above at present we can not confirm which runs we will be using for club 1-3 but will inform clubs as soon as this is sorted.
Hollington Gym Club held their annual competition back in January. This was very well supported by our Sussex clubs, with lots taking home medals and Dyson winning some of the Highest score trophies for both days.
Last weekend saw our Sussex clubs attended the first IRCC qualifier at Jumpers. All gymnasts performed to the best of their abilities and have gained some great results and scores, all ready for the 2nd qualifier in March, where hopefully they get the chance to finish in the top places and then represent their region at English champs in Telford and IRCC in Birmingham.