GG Report for Sussex Gymnastics 5.2.25
GG Reps: Kim Mirceta Nash – Brighton GC, Beth Burchett- Wickers, Heather Sampford- Worthing
Progress report
1. Confirmed GG – Novice & Inter Sussex Champs – held at lancing Leisure center on 23rd March.
Online entries are now open via gymevent. Last years event we had over 200 participants so hopefully the entries will be similar.
This competition will be the first of the New regional criteria for the county.
Booking Van and two men transport for the equipment and a review meeting between the GG reps will be held in the next few weeks to finalize details.
IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO HELP ON THE DAY please put your name forward thanks, the more the merrier! We would like to ask if Dawn would be available as on the day welfare as in previous years she was a great help.
2. We are still looking into a venue to host the Advanced Bronze silver and gold GG Sussex Event, I recently had a meeting with my contact at Sussex Uni about using their new venue and they can only offer during school holidays for an event (Any thoughts? I can go back to them and try and lock in a date) or if anyone has any information or contacts on clubs that would be willing to host please email Beth
3. We attended a regional workshop/ conference day on the new criteria in November the day covered the new roll out in 2025.
4. We would like to look into running a Judging workshop based on the new criteria combined with another coaches routine construction workshop for the county so that smaller clubs and young development leaders/ coaches that were unable to attend the regional one could also have the opportunity to get involved and have an improved understanding of the new Criteria. This would be a one-day event, possibly Morning for coaching development and afternoon for judging.
If we put a budget sheet together is this something that the county would consider and pay for with a nominal fee being paid by local clubs to attend?
Action to be taken in the next 6 months.
1. County GG Development Workshop
2. secure a GG ABSG comp in 2025 looking into Hollington, Hawth and or Chichester as venue other larger venues are currently not available
3. Look into starting Back up the Sussex 4x4 also in 2025/2026