This year our club level tumblers have a new competition structure which includes the Inter County Championships.

We started this new structure with 2 qualifying competitions being held at Hollington Gym Club. From these qualifiers the top 3 from each age group and level will get the chance to represent their County at the Inter County Championships.

The Sussex Championships took place in February and 5 tumble clubs – Sky High, Dyson, Be Gymnastics, Bevendean and Hollington came together with 180 gymnasts from club 1 to club 6, all trying to get the highest scores, that might secure them a place in the final. For some this was the first competition back since Covid and they were very excited to be back on the competition track with all their friends, as were the coaches as well. It was very nice to see everyone again and come together as a very close network of coaches.

The competition itself went well, we kept them to time and with presented lots of medals out to happy gymnasts at the end. The Scores were logged all ready for the next qualifier planned for the following month.

The second qualifier took place in March at Hollington Gym Club. This time over 200 gymnasts took part across all club levels, which was a brilliant turn out. At this qualifier all gymnasts from club 2 upwards had to also perform their Range and Conditioning routine as well as complete their tumbles. Again lots of high scores and medals secured across all the Sussex clubs.

From both qualifiers we then had to work out the top 3 scores from each age group and levels and then these were sorted and logged, and clubs informed.

The Inter County final for tumble is planned for Sunday 12th June at Jumpers Rebound, Gillingham. This will be the first inter county competition that has been held in many years so lets hope it runs as smooth as the others have and everyone has an amazing time again.

Mark and Nikki as Sussex Tumble Representatives would like to thank all the Sussex Clubs for their continue support and greatness. We are looking forward to many more years as Reps in Sussex and looking forward to next year doing this all again.

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