The library contains useful resources for Sussex coaches and gymnasts. All Sussex meeting reports are included in this section. Please take the time to read our Policies.
Club Affiliation to Sussex Gymnastics is due on 1st April every year. Clubs must affiliate to Sussex Gymnastics to allow their gymnasts to participate in any competition or other activity organised by the County. Please use the Club Affiliation form to send us your application.
Sussex affiliated clubs can complete a funding application for some projects.
Please contact Richard Keasley if there is something else you would like to see here.
Gymnastics Organisations
Local Authorities
Sussex Gymnastics is a voluntary organisation run by volunteers. Make it easier for us to help you, by ensuring all payments are completed promptly and correctly.
- Details
Sussex Gymnastics needs as many clubs as possible to get involved and help promote gymnastics in Sussex.
Without volunteers, our sport would not survive! Make the effort today!
The Sussex Safe-guarding officer is Dawn Hyland. Dawn can be contacted on 07774 423 148 or at