Sussex Gymnastics County Treasurers Report

1 April 24 To 30 September 24

The County savings account transfer is completed and holds funds to safeguard the county in the event of a major emergency. This account also pays interest on an annual basis.


So far this year 4 competitions have completed 2 trampoline, 1 Tumble and 1 WA and all have contributed a surplus into county funds.


Underway are 4 more competitions and we currently have in the account all the entry money, but have yet to pay out for expenses such as hire costs and event costs. I do expect these all to have a surplus as all have followed the agreed process of submitting their budgets to me prior to going ahead.


There has been more applications for grants to support training in the quarter and we have now supported these with £2190 of county funds to help clubs meet the costs of their training.

The application form is on the web site for any affiliated club to use.


Detailed information covering the above will be available to all attendees at the quarter county meeting.

Keith Walter - County Treasurer