1 April 24 To 30 June 24

A savings account has now been opened and some money transferred from the bank account to it.

This community account pays interest which will benefit the county funds and for security two signatures are required to transfer money and can only be done at branch in person.

In the 1st quarter a tumble and a trampoline competition have taken place, and the county championships for trampoline and DMT took place over the final weekend of June. So far these are benefitting funds by more than £4000 though there are expenses associated with these that are yet to be received

The county squad had their first training session of the year and have entered the annual Rushmore competition.

Three clubs applied for grants as soon as agreed at the AGM. These were all within the criteria set out on the county web site and have been paid, they total just over £1000

The next update will be at the 30th September.

Keith Walter

County Treasurer