Dysons & Chichester met up at Birmingham where both performed some lovely routines with gymnasts having a great time showing off their skills.

Both clubs continue to get ready for Disneyland Paris next year with Dysons largely running in house shows to help prepare the gymnasts and Chichester taking part in events across the UK such as the GymStarz in London.

I would like to request that Sussex clubs that take part in festivals at any level let me know so I can include you in future updates as I am aware for example that Sky High took part in the Gymstarz festival in London (as I follow them on Facebook) but at present the only club that has officially told me they do festivals is Chichester. 

I can see on the Sussex website it looks like Westgate also offer Festivals, I would love to include you in future reports.

If you have a festival/display team of any level and you take part in any form of displays/festivals from local events in a park to BG run events or international ones please email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I can add you to my mailing list and include you in future festivals updates.